WP Bakery Page Builder & Ultimate Addons
full and seamless integration
Bucares features full and seamless integration with WP Bakery Page Builder and Ultimate Addons. Most our customers agree that Bucares is the best website to be used with these plugins, up to date!

1000+ Website Options
to craft any design you can dream of
Bucares 1000+ Website Options make it the most customizable website on the market. It gives you the power to customize even tiniest details of your website appearance!

Design Wizard
to create a boutique-quality design
in mere minutes
in mere minutes
Even a beginner can easily handle Bucares wast array of appearance customization options thanks to the Design Wizard feature.

Bucares Main Demo
all website’s features in one place
An overview of post types, page templates, shortcodes and plugins neatly organized in one demo. Main demo also features numerous home and other pages concepts, Slider Revolution templates
and more!
and more!

Our Websites
easy to install and customize
Bucares comes with 38 (and counting) pre-made dummy websites complete with exclusive Slider Revolution and Visual Composer templates. They all can be imported in a few clicks, mixed and matched to become a solid foundation for your site.
Bucares is the enterprise that will help you
creating pro-grade sites without ever touching a code.